The route: From Germany to France, Schotland, Iceland, Greenland, Canada and into the USA.

Some of you might remember Achim’s and my last trip from southern Germany (Heubach) to El Gouna, Egypt (see a few years back. With both of us turning 40 this year and probably driven by a mid-life crisis we thought it is time for another adventure. Crossing the Atlantic has always been on our bucket list but with a lack of experience, equipment and attitude of once over 40, there is not much to lose anymore, we weren’t properly prepared for the roughly 2000 nautical miles across the open and ice cold sea, the very rough nature in Greenland and 7 Countries.

Oshkosh AirVenture – the biggest aviation event in the world.

The decision was made to combine the trip with a visit to the Oshkosh AirVenture – the biggest aeronautical gathering in the world. The Oshkosh AirVenture is annually happening during the last week of July – a must to visit at least once per life for every pilot on this planet.

More about us here.

Markus Köpfli, Achim Hasenmüller, TBM, Plane, Pilots
Markus & Achim
Time for another adventure
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