Just a Short 10 minutes flight from our point of immigration Sanderson airfield in the middle of Lake Huron lies Mackinac Island where we stopped over for a truly quick dinner. As our schedule was tight with four flights and Oshkosh airport only has a one hour slot between 7 an 8 pm for arrivals things got quite rushed and the 30 minutes horse carriage ride from and to the airport only allowed for a real fast food stopover. It was impressive how the restaurant managed to take order and serve the food of 12 people within 40 minutes – which included actually eating the food and paying the bill.

From the brief glimpse we got to see during Mackinac is a beautiful place though. The little island is not only car free (planes are allowed though) but also extremely well maintained and houses and gardens look like out of a kids picture book. A horse carriage brought us from the airport to the restaurant and back, offering great views on the numerous villas, grand hotels, pedestrian streets and a very nice harbour. A pitty we weren`t able to stay longer – however Oshkosh was calling and from the last bite of our dinner until closure of the OSHKOSH airport at 8pm we only had 1.5 hours left – which had to be enough to get back to the planes by horse carriage, prepare the flight, perform pre take-off checks and take off.  Thigs got a bit rushed once we reached the airport and soon thereafter 5 TMBs within a few minutes climbed their way into the beautiful evening sky of Michigan.

Reaching Mackinac Island after a 10 minutes hop from Sanderson where we cleared US immigration
Overflying Mackinac Island Airfield
Mackinac Island Shoreline. Situated within Lake Huron this little Island is car free and definitely worth a visit.
Mackinac Island village from above

Car free: Transportation is happening with horses and bikes. And planes of course.
Pretty park, Mackinac Island
Well maintained gardens and beautiful (probably not cheap) houses on Mackinac Island.
2 horse power getting us to the TBMs 750 horses.
Mackinac Island
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