Good morning from the middle of nowhere in the Canadian north where Inuit are still real and snow mobiles are everywhere- obviously waiting for winter which can as we learnt be pretty harsh up here with temperatures of -70C.

After 6 hours of flying, flight planning and filing of US API information which was a challenge for its own, a canned Touch down beer in a shabby bar with the locals and fine dining in our “boutique hotel” with the group last night we were more than ready to get some rest and falling asleep despite the fact it never gets dark up here at this time of the year (it’s 3am now and the sun is shining outside) wasn’t a problem.

Today will if things go well be our last trip, taking us in four legs to Oshkosh. The first leg of around 3 hours to the south of Canada (Mosonee, a small field north of Toronto and again in the middle of nowhere) where we will get some fuel before continuing to Sault Site Marie for US immigration followed by a short hop to Mackinack Island which is as the name suggests a small island in the Great Lakes where we will have dinner before the flight into Oshkosh. Oshkosh is during the airshow closed daily until 7pm for flight shows so we will have to wait before we can get there.

Day 4: Iqualit- Moosonee – Marie Muni Sanderson – Mackinac Island – Oshkosh